Information mornings

Express your interest in attending an on-site Information Morning at Trinity Grammar School.
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  5. Visit us
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  7. Information mornings
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  3. Enrolment
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  5. Visit us
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  7. Information mornings

Our Information Mornings are our premiere enrolment events held throughout the year for prospective Trinity families.

These events are an opportunity for families to visit our campus, hear from our Principal, experience a student-led tour ask questions of key members of staff.

Typical Information Morning schedule

  • Arrive and pick up Prospectus Pack
  • Presentation from the Principal
  • Storytelling from student leaders
  • Student-led tour of Junior and/or Senior teaching and learning spaces
  • Morning tea with key members of staff

Next Information Morning

Tuesday 25 March

Upcoming Information Mornings

Monday 2 June
Friday 15 August

Virtual Tour

Tour and learn about our contemporary teaching and learning facilities virtually.